Khanna P, Farrokhi B, Choi H, Griffin S, Heimbuch I, Morecraft R, Ganguly G. Separable global and local beta burst dynamics in motor cortex of primates. (under review)
Choi H, Kim J, Khanna P, Griffin S, Novik L, Morecraft R, Ganguly K. Disentanglement of preparatory and movement dynamics with motor recovery in primates. (under review)
- Natraj N, Seko S, Abiri R, Yan H, Graham Y, Miao R, Tu-Chan A, Chang EF, Ganguly K. Sampling across-day drift within a mesoscale manifold enables long-term neuroprosthetic control. Cell (accepted)
- Griffin S, Khanna P, Choi H, Thiesen K, Novik L, Morecraft RJ, Ganguly K. Ensemble reactivations during brief rest drive fast learning of sequences. Nature
- Darevsky D, Kim J, Ganguly K. Coupling of slow oscillations in prefrontal and motor cortex predicts onset of spindle trains and persistent memory reactivations. Journal of Neuroscience
- Lemke SM, Celotto M, Maffulli R, Ganguly K, Panzeri S. Information flow between motor cortex and striatum reverses during skill learning. Current Biology
- Kim JK, Joshi A, Frank L, Ganguly K, Cortical-hippocampal coupling during manifold exploration in motor cortex. Nature
- Arroyo S, Barati S, Kim K, Aparicio F, and Ganguly K. Emergence of preparatory dynamics in VIP interneurons during motor learning. Cell Reports
- Khanna P*, Oppenheim T*, Tu-Chan A, Abrams G, Ganguly K. Measuring Arm and Hand Joint Kinematic to Estimate Impairment During a Functional Reach and Grasp Task after Stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair
- Ghuman H*, Kim K*, Barati S, , Ganguly K. Emergence of task-related spatiotemporal population dynamics in transplanted neurons. Nature Communications
- Ganguly K, Khanna P, Morecraft RJ,Lin DJ. Modulation of neural co-firing to enhance network transmission and improve motor function after stroke. Neuron.
- Natraj N, Silversmith DB, Chang, E, Ganguly K. Compartmentalized dynamics within a common multiarea mesoscale manifold represent a repertoire of human hand. movements. Neuron.
- Kim J, Guo L, Hishinuma A, Lemke S, Ramanathan DS, Won SJ, Ganguly K. Impaired sleep-dependent consolidation after stroke – interaction of slow waves, rehabilitation and GABA Cell Reports
- Kondapavulur S, Lemke S, Darevsky D, Guo L, Khanna P, Ganguly K. Transition from predictable to variable motor cortex and striatal ensemble patterning during behavioral exploration. Nature Communications.
- Khanna et al., Low-frequency stimulation modulates ensemble co-firing and restores dexterity after stroke. Cell.
- Guo L et al., Coordinated increase of reliable cortical and striatal ensemble activations during recovery after stroke Cell Reports.
- Lemke S et al., Coupling between motor cortex and striatum increases during sleep over long-term skill learning eLife.
- Derosier K*, Veuthey T*, et al., – Timescales of local and cross-area neural interactions during neuroprosthetic learning Journal of Neuroscience.
- Veuthey T*, Derosier K*, et al., Single-trial cross-area neural population dynamics during long-term skill learning. Nature Communications.
- Silversmith D*, Abiri R *, Hardy N*, Natraj N* et al, Plug-and-play control of a brain-computer-inteface through neural map stabilization. Nature Biotechnology.
- Silversmith D et al.,. The Degree of Nesting between Spindles and Slow Oscillations Modulates Neural Synchrony. Journal of Neuroscience.
- Kim JK, Gulati T, Ganguly K. Competing Roles of Slow Oscillations and Delta Waves on Memory Consolidation versus Forgetting. Cell.
- Lemke S, Ramanathan D, Guo L, Won SJ, Ganguly K. Emergent Modular Neural Control Drives Coordinated Motor Actions. Nature Neuroscience.
- Hishinuma A, Gulat T, Burish M, Ganguly K. Large scale modulation triggered by Somatosensory Electrical Stimulation (SES). J Neuroeng. Rehabil.
- Ramanathan DS*, Ling G*, Gulati T*, Won SJ, Swanson RS, Ganguly K. Low frequency cortical activity is a neuromodulatory target that tracks recovery after stroke. Nature Medicine.
- Natraj N & Ganguly K. Shaping reality through mental rehearsal Neuron.
- Totten D, Novik L, Carmena J, Morecraft R, Ganguly K. An Automated Behavioral Apparatus to Assess Distal Forelimb Function in Non-Human Primates. BioRxiv,
- Gulati T, Guo L, Ramanathan DS, Bodepudi A & Ganguly K. Microstructure of reactivations predict network modifications. Nature Neuroscience.
- Tsu A, Natraj N, Godlove J, Abrams G & Ganguly K. Effects of Somatosensory Electrical Simulation On Motor Function and Cortical Oscillations. J Neuroeng. Rehabil.
- Athalye VR, Ganguly K, Costa RM, Carmena JM. Emergence of Coordinated Neural Dynamics Underlies Neuroprosthetic Learning and Skillful Control. Neuron.
- Godlove J*, Gulati T*, Dichter B, Chang EF, Ganguly K. Muscle synergies after stroke are correlated with perilesional high-gamma activity. Ann Clin Transl Neurol.
- Ramanathan DS, Gulati T, Ganguly K. Sleep-dependent replay of ensembles in motor cortex promote skill consolidation. PLoS Biology . News Link: PLoS Biology ‘Primer’: http://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.1002285
- Gulati T, Won S-J, Ramanathan DS, Wong, CS, Bodepudi A, Swanson RA, Ganguly K. Robust neuroprosthetic control from the stroke perilesional cortex Journal of Neuroscience. Jun. 35:22:8653-8661. News Links: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v522/n7554/full/522009b.html?WT.ec_id=NATURE-20150604
- Wong CC, Ramanathan DS, Gulati T, Won, SJ and Ganguly K. An automated behavioral box to assess forelimb function in rats. Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
- Gulati T, Ramanathan DS, Wong CC and Ganguly K. Reactivation of emergent task-related ensembles during slow-wave sleep after neuroprosthetic learning. Nature Neuroscience. News and Views: http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v17/n8/full/nn.3769.html
- Ganguly K and Poo MM. Activity-dependent neural plasticity from bench to bedside. Neuron.
- Ganguly K, Byl, NN and Abram, GM. Neurorehabilitation: Motor recovery after stroke as an example. Annals of Neurology.
- Ganguly K, Abrams GM. Management of chronic myelopathy symptoms and activities of daily living. Semin Neurol. 2012 Apr; 32(2):161-8.
* Equally contributing authors.
UC Berkeley (2009-2012)
- Canolty RT, Ganguly K, Carmena JM. Task-Dependent Changes in Cross-Level Coupling between Single Neurons and Oscillatory Activity in Multiscale Networks. PLoS Comput Biol. (2012).
- Canolty RT, Cadieu CF, Koepsell K, Ganguly K, Knight RT, Carmena JM. Detecting event-related changes of multivariate phase coupling in dynamic brain networks. J Neurophysiol. 2012 Apr; 107(7):2020-31.
- Ganguly K, Wallis JD and Carmena JM. Reversible large-scale reshaping of cortical networks during neuroprosthetic control. (2011) Nature Neuroscience 14, 662–667.
- So K, Ganguly K, Jimenez J, Gastpar M and Carmena JM. Redundant information encoding in primary motor cortex during natural and prosthetic motor control. J. Comp. Neurosci. (2011).
- Ganguly K and Carmena JM. Neural correlates of skill acquisition with a brain-machine interface. (2010) Journal of Motor Behavior. 42, 355-360.
- Heliot R, Orsborn AL, Ganguly K and Carmena JM. System Architecture for Stiffness Control in Brain-Machine Interfaces. (2010). IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B. 40,1387-97.
- Canolty R, Ganguly K, Kennerley S, Cadieu C, Koepsell K, Wallis L, Carmena J. Oscillatory phase coupling coordinates anatomically-dispersed functional cell assemblies. (2010) Proc. Natl Acad Sci U S A. 10.1073/pnas.1008306107.
- Heliot R., Ganguly K, Jimenez J and Carmena JM. Learning in closed-loop brain-machine interfaces: modeling and experimental validation. (2010) IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 40, 732-742
- Ganguly K and Carmena JM. Emergence of a cortical map for neuroprosthetic function. (2009) PLoS Biology 7, 1-13. e1000153.
- Ganguly K, Secundo L, Ranade R, Orsborn A, Chang EF, Dimitrov DF, Wallis JD, Barbaro NM, Knight RT and Carmena JM. Ensemble representation of ipsilateral arm movements in monkey and man. (2009) Journal of Neuroscience 29(41):12948-12956.
UCSD (1999-2004)
- Ganguly K and Kleinfeld D. Goal-directed whisking increases phase-locking between movement and electrical activity in primary sensory cortex in rat. (2004) Proc Natl Acad Sci 101,12348-53.
- Woodin MA, Ganguly K and Poo M-m. Coincident Pre- and Postsynaptic Activity Modifies GABAergic Synapses by Postsynaptic Changes in Cl− Transporter Activity. (2003) Neuron. 39, 807-820
- Ganguly K, Schinder AF, Wong, ST and Poo M-m. GABA itself promotes the developmental switch of neuronal GABAergic responses from excitation to inhibition. (2001) Cell 105, 21-32.
- Ganguly K, Kiss L and Poo M-m. Enhancement of presynaptic neuronal excitability by correlated presynaptic and postsynaptic spiking. (2000) Nature Neuroscience. 10, 18-26.